We’ll start with the basics, moving up to the more advanced techniques, skills, and tricks you can use in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
So you want to play Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO? Of course you do! But how do you succeed at the game and tower over the other players? What are the tips and tricks of Star Wars: The Old Republic that will give you an advantage over the enemies you will encounter? What character should you play? Does Race make a difference in your final stats? How do you group and work as a team? Who does what, when, and why? These questions and many more will be answered as I begin my series of game guides for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Star Wars TOR Planetary Guides and Walkthroughs.Smuggler and Imperial Agent Beginning Class Guide for TOR.Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular Beginning Class Guide for TOR.Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior Beginning Class Guide for TOR.Bounty Hunter and Trooper Beginning Class Guide for TOR.Star Wars TOR Class Guides and Strategies.Neverwinter Custom Foundry Quest – To Be a Nasher.Advanced Character Method: Oathbound Paladin Tank and Spank Build.Weekly Quest Astral Diamond Farming Guide.